How to Add Webflow Analytics to Your Website Using Humblytics

Step 1: Sign Up for Humblytics

Create an Account: Visit the Humblytics website and sign up for an account. Choose a plan that suits your needs. You can start with the free Lite plan to test out the platform.

Step 2: Connect Your First Website via Webflow Auth

Access Your Dashboard: Once you logged in, you will receive a prompt to add your first website.

Authorize Webflow: Select "Add Webflow Site" to authorize with Webflow and access your Workspace

Step 3: Add Humblytics Tracking Script to Your Webflow Site

Log in to Webflow: Open a new tab and log into your Webflow account.

Select Your Project: Go to the project where you want to implement tracking.

Get the Tracking Script:  Copy the embed script and add it to your Webflow Site. This script is uniquely generated for your account to ensure privacy and accuracy in tracking.

Navigate to Custom Code: In your project’s settings, find the ‘Custom Code’ section which is usually found in the site settings menu.

Paste the Script: In the ‘Head Code’ box, paste the Humblytics tracking script you copied earlier. This ensures the script loads on every page of your site.

Verify Script Installation: Click on 'Verify Website' to ensure the website is properly tracking events.

Save and Publish: After pasting the script and configuring your settings, save the changes in Webflow and publish your site. This will activate the tracking script across your website.

Step 4: Test and Verify Installation

Test the Installation: Visit your website to trigger some events (like page views or button clicks).

Check Analytics: Go back to your Humblytics dashboard to see if the events are being tracked. It might take a few minutes for the data to appear.

Step 5: Monitor and Optimize

Regularly Check Data: Use the insights gathered by Humblytics to understand user behavior and optimize your site. Utilize features like A/B testing to further enhance site performance.