Contact Us for Your Enterprise Analytics Needs

Our enterprise team is ready to tailor Humblytics to your organization's unique requirements

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For enterprise-level organizations with specific needs.
Custom Monthly Total Views and Events
Unlimited Websites
Unlimited AB Split Testing
Share Dashboard with Clients/Team
Priority Support
Dedicated Data Storage
Uptime SLA

Frequently Asked Questions

Don't see the answer you're looking for? Get in touch.

What happens if I go over my monthly page views limit?

As you approach 75% of your plan limit, we'll send you an email alert. Once you go past your plan limit, you will have a 3 day grace period to upgrade before we stop tracking.

Are the views, events, and split test limits for each website or for all websites connected?

The plan limits apply for ALL websites connected at an account level.

Do I need to install a cookie-banner or capture consent?

Our analytics collection process doesn't store or read cookies, local storage data, or persistent information on client devices or browsers. Unique users are anonymized through hashing their IP address and device characteristics (e.g., browser version, operating system, hardware information). Original IP addresses are discarded permanently post-hash generation. Device characteristics are grouped into higher-order categories (e.g., browser type, device type).

What is your refund policy?

If you're unsatisfied with Humblytics, please email within 7 days of your payment and we will offer a full refund for that subscription cycle.

Can I get an invoice?

Invoices are emailed to you for every payment via Stripe. You can login to your portal to download all invoices.

Can I connect both Framer and Webflow sites?

Yes you can authorize both Webflow websites or directly add the tracking code in your Framer site settings.

How are you privacy focused?

We don't use cookies to track your visitor information removing the need to cookie consent banners. You can learn more about our data policy and how it works here.