Top 10 Common Webflow Issues and How to Fix Them for Optimal Performance


Creating a high-performing, visually stunning, and fully optimized website is key to both user satisfaction and search engine success. In today's fast-paced digital environment, users expect sites to load instantly, adapt seamlessly to any device, and function without a hitch. 

Webflow, with its powerful design tools, allows you to build beautiful websites, but like any platform, it can present a range of issues that impact performance, design, and overall functionality. From sluggish load times to broken elements and unresponsive layouts, these problems can frustrate users and harm your site's SEO.

In this guide, we’ll dive into the 10 most common Webflow issues, covering everything from site speed to mobile responsiveness, broken links, and more. Along the way, you’ll discover practical solutions to help optimize your website for both performance and design, ensuring a smooth, user-friendly experience.

1. Slow Website Load Time

Website performance is critical, not only for user experience but also for search engine rankings. Slow loading times can lead to high bounce rates, meaning users may leave your site before it fully loads. In Webflow, several factors can contribute to sluggish performance, such as large images, heavy animations, and unoptimized external scripts.

How to Fix It:

  1. Optimize Images: Before uploading, use tools like TinyPNG or Squoosh to compress your images. If you can, switch to using WebP format, which reduces file size without losing image quality.
  2. Lazy Load Images: In the Webflow Designer, click on any image, open the settings panel, and toggle "Lazy Load." This defers loading the image until it comes into view, improving initial load time.
  1. Minimize Animations: Reduce complex animations on your website, especially those that animate large elements or multiple objects at once.
  2. Remove Unused CSS: Navigate to the Style Manager in Webflow and click “Clean Up” to remove unused classes. Unnecessary styles can bloat the CSS and slow the page.

By making these small adjustments, you can greatly improve your site's speed and user experience.

2. Unresponsive Layout on Mobile Devices

A responsive layout is crucial as more than 50% of website traffic today comes from mobile devices. Without proper responsive design, your site might look great on a desktop but fall apart on mobile screens.

How to Fix It:

  1. Use Flexible Units: Avoid fixed pixel sizes for widths, margins, or paddings. Instead, use percentage units (%), viewport width (VW), and viewport height (VH) units. These scales are based on the device size.
  2. Adjust Layout at Breakpoints: Webflow allows you to preview and design for different breakpoints. Switch to the tablet or mobile view by clicking the corresponding icon in the Designer’s top toolbar. Here, you can tweak margins, padding, font size, and even hide or show elements.
  3. Test Responsiveness: Always use Webflow’s Preview mode to test how your site looks on mobile devices before publishing. After making changes in each breakpoint, ensure nothing breaks or overlaps.

With Webflow’s responsive design tools, you can ensure a seamless user experience across all devices.

3. Interaction or Animation Not Working

Interactions and animations bring a site to life, providing dynamic user experiences. However, misconfigured interactions can lead to animations that don’t trigger properly, or at all.

How to Fix It:

  1. Ensure Correct Trigger: Open the Interactions panel. Check if the correct trigger is applied, whether it’s hover, scroll, or click.
  2. Set the Right Element Target: Make sure that your interaction is linked to the correct target element. In the interactions panel, select the element to animate and review the settings.
  3. Check Timing and Easing: Adjust the animation’s timing and easing for a smoother effect. Sometimes, interactions can feel abrupt or too slow if these settings aren’t fine-tuned.

By fine-tuning your triggers and targets, your site will deliver smooth, engaging animations that enhance the user experience.

4. Elements Overlapping on Smaller Screens

Element overlap is one of the most common issues faced in responsive design. Without proper layout settings, elements can stack or collide on smaller screens like tablets and mobile phones.

How to Fix It:

  1. Use Flexbox or Grid: Flexbox and Grid layouts allow elements to wrap and adjust automatically based on the screen size. Wrap your elements inside containers and apply these layout tools to create flexible, responsive designs.
  2. Adjust Spacing for Breakpoints: Use Webflow’s Breakpoints feature to fine-tune margins, paddings, and even text sizes for smaller screens. Open the mobile view in the designer and adjust the layout so elements don’t overlap.
  1. Hide Elements on Mobile: If an element is unnecessary for mobile users, consider hiding it. Webflow allows you to hide elements at specific breakpoints by setting ‘display’ to none, making the mobile experience cleaner and more streamlined.

By addressing overlap issues with flexible layouts and breakpoint adjustments, your site will remain visually pleasing on all devices.

5. CMS Items Not Showing Up Correctly

Webflow’s CMS is a powerful tool that lets you manage dynamic content, but sometimes items may not display correctly due to improper setup or filtering issues.

How to Fix It:

  1. Check CMS Binding: In the Designer, click on your CMS Collection List and check that the fields are properly bound. If your CMS is not bound correctly, the items won’t show up.
  1. Verify Filters: Check the filters applied to the CMS collection list. Sometimes a filter or condition prevents certain items from displaying. Make sure these filters match the data you want to show.
  2. Publish CMS Items: If the CMS items are not published, they will not appear on the live site. Go to the CMS tab, and ensure that your items are published.
  1. Preview with Real Data: Use Webflow’s Preview mode to view your site with real CMS data. This allows you to test how the items look before making your site live.

By ensuring proper binding, filtering, and publishing, your CMS items will appear as expected.

    6. Broken Links

    Broken links frustrate users and hurt SEO. It’s essential to regularly check for broken links and set up redirects when necessary.

    How to Fix It:

    1. Check Link Settings: In Webflow’s Designer, click on each link and verify the URL in the settings panel. Ensure the correct protocol (https://) is used.
    2. Set Up 301 Redirects: If a page has been deleted or its URL has changed, set up a 301 redirect to guide visitors to the new page. Go to Site Settings > Publishing > 301 Redirects to map old URLs to new ones.
    1. Test in Preview Mode: Before publishing, test your links in Preview mode to ensure they work properly.

    By regularly checking and updating links, you’ll improve both user experience and SEO performance.

    7. Custom Code Not Rendering

    Custom code adds extra functionality to Webflow projects, but if it’s not properly placed or has syntax errors, it may not render correctly.

    How to Fix It:

    1. Correct Code Placement: Webflow provides different sections for custom code. Go to Site Settings > Custom Code, and place code in the head, body, or footer as needed.
    1. Check Syntax: Use an online tool like JSFiddle or CodePen to check your code for errors before adding it to Webflow.
    2. Embed Code Blocks: For inline custom code within a page, use Webflow’s “Embed” component under Components in the Elements panel. This allows you to add custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to individual pages.

    By placing and testing custom code properly, you’ll avoid issues and create more dynamic websites.

    8. Form Submission Not Working

    Forms are essential for collecting user data, but if they’re not configured correctly, they may fail to submit.

    How to Fix It:

    1. Check Action URLs: In the Designer, select your form and open its settings. Ensure the action URL points to the correct destination, whether it’s Webflow’s default or a third-party tool like Zapier.
    1. Configure Email Notifications: Go to the Form Settings tab and ensure that email notifications are properly set up. Add your email address to receive form submissions.
    1. Test the Form: Use Webflow’s Preview mode to submit the form and check if you receive the data correctly.

    By setting up action URLs and notifications, you’ll ensure that form submissions are captured and processed without issues.

    9. Fonts Not Displaying Correctly

    Custom fonts give your site personality, but if they’re not properly applied or loaded, they may not display as expected.

    How to Fix It:

    1. Upload Fonts: Go to Site Settings > Fonts, and ensure the correct font files (like .woff or .ttf) are uploaded. If you’re using Google Fonts, ensure the correct variants are selected.
    1. Apply Correct Font: In the Designer, go to the Typography section and verify that the correct font family is applied to each text element.
    2. Cross-Browser Testing: Test your site across multiple browsers to ensure the fonts display consistently.

    By properly uploading and applying fonts, you can avoid design inconsistencies.

    10. SEO Settings Not Optimized

    SEO is crucial for visibility on search engines, and Webflow provides powerful SEO tools to help optimize your site.

    How to Fix It:

    1. Set Unique Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Go to the Page Settings for each page, scroll to the SEO section, and add unique title tags and meta descriptions that describe the page content.
    1. Optimize Open Graph Settings: These settings control how your pages appear when shared on social media. Add a title, description, and image.


    I hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and practical strategies to overcome common Webflow issues and optimize your website’s performance, design, and functionality. By addressing these challenges—whether it’s improving load times, enhancing mobile responsiveness, or fixing broken links—you can create a smoother, more engaging user experience that drives better results.

    Remember, optimizing your Webflow site isn’t just about fixing problems—it’s about continuously refining and enhancing your website to meet user expectations and stay competitive. By regularly testing, making data-driven decisions, and staying proactive, you can ensure your website remains fast, functional, and visually appealing across all devices. Start implementing these strategies today, and unlock your website's full potential for long-term success.